#vernonfrancois Healthy~Lifestyle 👉🏽Skin & ~Curls

#vernonfrancois Healthy~Lifestyle 👉🏽Skin & ~Curls.
SUPER FOOD MASK - Spirulina Tones skin, creating a glowing complexion with vitamins and minerals.
CO~WASH - Marula Oil A healing oil part of numerous beauty rituals for centuries to protect the skin and hair from the harsh and dry weather conditions.
EYE CREAM A superfood eye cream packed with antioxidants and tripeptide 5 to hydrate and visibly firm.
CURL~ REFRESHER - Baobab Seed Oil Penetrates the hair follicle to enrich it with moisture and improve elasticity All available online @sephora and in selected stores✅❤️ Sephora family. #healthylifestyle
#hair #skincare #youthtothepeople #vernonfrancois #curls #curlyhair #CurlTalk #wavyhair #waves #lifestyle #sephora #CurlConversation #myhairisbeautifulbecause
SUPER FOOD MASK - Spirulina Tones skin, creating a glowing complexion with vitamins and minerals.
CO~WASH - Marula Oil A healing oil part of numerous beauty rituals for centuries to protect the skin and hair from the harsh and dry weather conditions.
EYE CREAM A superfood eye cream packed with antioxidants and tripeptide 5 to hydrate and visibly firm.
CURL~ REFRESHER - Baobab Seed Oil Penetrates the hair follicle to enrich it with moisture and improve elasticity All available online @sephora and in selected stores✅❤️ Sephora family. #healthylifestyle
#hair #skincare #youthtothepeople #vernonfrancois #curls #curlyhair #CurlTalk #wavyhair #waves #lifestyle #sephora #CurlConversation #myhairisbeautifulbecause
- 14/08/2017