#vernonfrancois CURL~COMMAND Moisture Spray in the beauty pages of this week’s @graziauk

Maintaining #curly hair. #CURLCOMMANDMoistureSpray Spray your way to killer curls with this breakthrough styling product. Cutting edge ingredient MiruStyleTM works with natural textured hair to create beautifully bouncy, silky smooth, long-lasting, non-crunchy weatherproof curls. Nourishing, repairing Baobab and sunflower extract are carefully calibrated to provide maximum care with zero heaviness, while Aquarich® and Panthenol infuse hair with smoothing, shine-giving moisture. Cutting edge spray technology delivers this frizz-fighting formula from root to tip every time. #texturedhair #vernonfrancois
- 20/09/2016