#vernonfrancois About tonight

#vernonfrancois About tonight.
@serenawilliams for #glamour #womenoftheyear Hair by me #vernonfrancois makeup @rennyvasquez styled by @kmcme17 #ponytail #naturalhair #serenawilliams #nyc #afro #hair
Mist~hydration water
@vernonfrancoishair full of Amino acids to lock in moisture. Via @sephora
Leave~in conditioner
@vernonfrancoishair on the ends to protect. Via @sephora
WoW @colorwowhair for toning around the hairline
Got2b @got2busa to #lay edges.
Paul Mitchell @paulmitchellus lightly over the ponytail.
#tools @ghdhair @ghd_northamerica @dysonhair @vernonfrancoishair @oliviagardenint #sephora #netaporter
@serenawilliams for #glamour #womenoftheyear Hair by me #vernonfrancois makeup @rennyvasquez styled by @kmcme17 #ponytail #naturalhair #serenawilliams #nyc #afro #hair
Mist~hydration water
@vernonfrancoishair full of Amino acids to lock in moisture. Via @sephora
Leave~in conditioner
@vernonfrancoishair on the ends to protect. Via @sephora
WoW @colorwowhair for toning around the hairline
Got2b @got2busa to #lay edges.
Paul Mitchell @paulmitchellus lightly over the ponytail.
#tools @ghdhair @ghd_northamerica @dysonhair @vernonfrancoishair @oliviagardenint #sephora #netaporter
- 14/11/2017