#vernonfrancois ❤ Sharing your #CurlCommand experience #Repost @happycurlhappygirl

#vernonfrancois ❤ Sharing your #CurlCommand experience #Repost @happycurlhappygirl
If you know me and have been following for some time, then you know I'm usually skeptical of almost every new product lol...and if I like/love it I promote it. If I don't, I keep it real. Well, gosh darnit.....this right here?! Push through @vernonfrancois !! Lol. I absolutely adore #VernonFrancois #CurlCommand line! The #shampoo left my hair/scalp feeling extremely clean but not stripped...but the #conditioner ?? It's LIFE. I used the #moisture spray as a heat protectant as I stretch my #curls and it smells bomb! My #hair was fluffy and defined! Score! #VernonFrancois #CurlCommand #naturalhair #kinkyhair #vlogger #texture #Beauty #longhair .
- 03/11/2016