#vernonfrancois 🚫Retouching issue
#vernonfrancois 🚫Retouching issue. New beauty story for @darling featuring the 5 wonderful hair textures that be #kinkyhair #wavy #coilyhair #straighthair #curlyhair By me #vernonfrancois | Shot by @ben_cope |MakeUp @sarahuslan...

#vernonfrancois My Leave~In Conditioner was fea...
#vernonfrancois My Leave~In Conditioner was featured in the #December issue of @instylemagazine “So What Do You Do, #MistyCopeland ?” highlighting that my Leave~in conditioner leaves Misty’s hair smooth and in-place...

#vernonfrancois 🚫Retouching issue
#vernonfrancois 🚫Retouching issue. New beauty story for @darling featuring the 5 wonderful hair textures that be #kinkyhair #wavy #coilyhair #straighthair #curlyhair By me #vernonfrancois | Shot by @ben_cope |MakeUp @sarahuslan | Art Dept by @nativesilver | Thank you @rebekahshannon ❤️ & @artistsco @boldpr WHAT DID I USE🤓👇🏾 Vernon François' 'Re~Vamp™'...

#vernonfrancois My Leave~In Cond...
#vernonfrancois My Leave~In Conditioner was featured in the #December issue of @instylemagazine “So What Do You Do, #MistyCopeland ?” highlighting that my Leave~in conditioner leaves Misty’s hair smooth and in-place throughout her busy, dance-filled day. Which hair type is it good for? ✔ Straight ✔ Wavy ✔ Curly ✔ Coiled...