#vernonfrancois Back 2 Back #grateful 🙏🏾❤️ #Rep...
#vernonfrancois Back 2 Back #grateful 🙏🏾❤️ #Repost @serenawilliams ・・・ The best thing about my @voguemagazine cover was the one before it. January issue with the beautiful @lupitanyongo two amazing black...

#vernonfrancois Back 2 Back #gra...
#vernonfrancois Back 2 Back #grateful 🙏🏾❤️ #Repost @serenawilliams ・・・ The best thing about my @voguemagazine cover was the one before it. January issue with the beautiful @lupitanyongo two amazing black women back to back is always exciting. #Excellence . . #lupitanyongo #serenawilliams #hair by #vernonfrancois #vogue #kinkyhair #curlyhair #coilyhair #naturalhair...