Beauty - The trends, the innovations and the mu...

Read the full article here: https://www.net-a-porter.com/magazine/375/25 #vernonfrancois Incredible coverage in The Edit @netaporter Buy of the week feature #vernonfrancois #NetaPorter #theedit #Curlconversation #Beauty #bighairdontcare

#vernonfrancois #bts of #vernonfrancois beauty ...

@nour_zuaiter had never seen her  #hair this  #curly Was a wonderful moment to share. Using CURL~COMMAND® MOISTURE SPRAY Cutting edge ingredient MiruStyleTM works with  #natural  #texturedhair to create beautifully bouncy, silky smooth, long-lasting, non-crunchy weatherproof curls....

Beauty - The trends, the innovat...

Read the full article here: https://www.net-a-porter.com/magazine/375/25 #vernonfrancois Incredible coverage in The Edit @netaporter Buy of the week feature #vernonfrancois #NetaPorter #theedit #Curlconversation #Beauty #bighairdontcare

#vernonfrancois #bts of #vernonf...

@nour_zuaiter had never seen her  #hair this  #curly Was a wonderful moment to share. Using CURL~COMMAND® MOISTURE SPRAY Cutting edge ingredient MiruStyleTM works with  #natural  #texturedhair to create beautifully bouncy, silky smooth, long-lasting, non-crunchy weatherproof curls. WWW.VERNONFRANCOIS.COM & @netaporter  #vernonfrancois #hairandbeauty