#vernonfrancois Keep sending your videos in‼️ T...
#vernonfrancois Keep sending your videos in‼️ This makes me very #happy @charissemarciaa Doing a #twistout using my PURE~FRO® MOISTURE SPRAY MOISTURISE ✅STRENGTHEN✅ GROW✅ Shop #vernonfrancois .com #sephora #netaporter #doitforyourself #learning...

#vernonfrancois ALL hair is beautiful. #Detangl...
#vernonfrancois ALL hair is beautiful. #Detangling should never be an issue. I talked a lot about this at Sephora's Play Day in #sanfrancisco recently. A good technique is to use...

#vernonfrancois #curlconversation talk
#vernonfrancois #curlconversation talk. @sephora #curls #straight #KinkyHair #CoilyHair #WavyHair #vernonfrancoishaircare #sephora #usa #learning #love

#vernonfrancois The right tools and knowledge a...
#vernonfrancoisThe right tools and knowledge are essential for confidently styling big curly, kinky and coily hair at home. Education is key. #vernonfrancoishaircare #learning #learn #education #vfhairicon #vernonfrancois #hair #kinkyhair #kinkycurly...

#vernonfrancois The future is always brighter t...
#vernonfrancois The future is always brighter than you could ever imagine. Stay focused, by understanding our strengths, it shouldn’t limit us through labelling ourselves to a specific intelligence. Instead, it...

#vernonfrancois Keep sending you...
#vernonfrancois Keep sending your videos in‼️ This makes me very #happy @charissemarciaa Doing a #twistout using my PURE~FRO® MOISTURE SPRAY MOISTURISE ✅STRENGTHEN✅ GROW✅ Shop #vernonfrancois .com #sephora #netaporter #doitforyourself #learning #showcase #beautiful #kinky #hair

#vernonfrancois ALL hair is beau...
#vernonfrancois ALL hair is beautiful. #Detangling should never be an issue. I talked a lot about this at Sephora's Play Day in #sanfrancisco recently. A good technique is to use water to your advantage: before getting in the shower, ensure your hair is already detangled as much as possible before...

#vernonfrancois #curlconversatio...
#vernonfrancois #curlconversation talk. @sephora #curls #straight #KinkyHair #CoilyHair #WavyHair #vernonfrancoishaircare #sephora #usa #learning #love

#vernonfrancois The right tools ...
#vernonfrancoisThe right tools and knowledge are essential for confidently styling big curly, kinky and coily hair at home. Education is key. #vernonfrancoishaircare #learning #learn #education #vfhairicon #vernonfrancois #hair #kinkyhair #kinkycurly #wavyhair #curlyhair #coilyhair #straighthair #allhairtypes #allhairtextures #afro #love

#vernonfrancois The future is al...
#vernonfrancois The future is always brighter than you could ever imagine. Stay focused, by understanding our strengths, it shouldn’t limit us through labelling ourselves to a specific intelligence. Instead, it should empower us to recognise our weaknesses as well as to improve them. #healthymind #positive thinking. #Focus #growth #love #learning...