#vernonfrancois When you know your #kinkycurly ...
#vernonfrancois When you know your #kinkycurly #curlyhair routine is going to be on point ❤️ Using my 🚨 second collection COMING VERY SOON. 💥💥💥💥 styling #allhairtypes #natural #blonde #bighairdontcare #kinky...

#vernonfrancois I'm so excited to share this an...
#vernonfrancois I'm so excited to share this announcement with you. Come see me at ESSENCE #beautystyleexpo @essencefest Get the latest tips and secrets and lots more! What an incredible line...

#vernonfrancois When you know yo...
#vernonfrancois When you know your #kinkycurly #curlyhair routine is going to be on point ❤️ Using my 🚨 second collection COMING VERY SOON. 💥💥💥💥 styling #allhairtypes #natural #blonde #bighairdontcare #kinky #kinkytwist #kinkystraight #curls #curltalk #curlConversation #vernonfrancois #love your #hair #Vogue #refinery29

#vernonfrancois I'm so excited t...
#vernonfrancois I'm so excited to share this announcement with you. Come see me at ESSENCE #beautystyleexpo @essencefest Get the latest tips and secrets and lots more! What an incredible line up for me to be part of. Can't wait to see you there. Head over to www.essence.com/festival/beautyandstyle now to find...