#vernonfrancois Part2. Refreshing your #kinks a...
#vernonfrancois Part2. Refreshing your #kinks and #coils on days 2, 3 and 4 shouldn't be a struggle. This technique delivers moisture to every strand. I'm simply working PURE~FRO Moisture Spray...

#vernonfrancois Part1. Refreshing your #kinks a...
#vernonfrancois Part1. Refreshing your #kinks and #coils on days 2, 3 and 4 shouldn't be a struggle. This technique delivers moisture to every strand. I'm simply working PURE~FRO Moisture Spray...

#vernonfrancois My love for working with textur...
#vernonfrancois My love for working with textured hair started when I was just eight years’ old. Growing up in a Rastafarian household I remember Sundays were about “Mum cooking, and...

vernonfrancois Quick #tips on how to keep #afro...
#vernonfrancois Quick #tips on how to keep #afro #hair #hydrated #moisturizer with @instyleuk @Cassieteer 💁🏽💁🏾💁🏿 We had so much fun doing this. More to come😁👏🏾

#vernonfrancois Part2. Refreshin...
#vernonfrancois Part2. Refreshing your #kinks and #coils on days 2, 3 and 4 shouldn't be a struggle. This technique delivers moisture to every strand.
I'm simply working PURE~FRO Moisture Spray through with my hands to breathe life back into this @yaniicharms_ #beautiful texture. #afro #texture #natural #hydrated

#vernonfrancois Part1. Refreshin...
#vernonfrancois Part1. Refreshing your #kinks and #coils on days 2, 3 and 4 shouldn't be a struggle. This technique delivers moisture to every strand.
I'm simply working PURE~FRO Moisture Spray through with my hands to breathe life back into this @yaniicharms_ #beautiful texture. #afro #texture #natural #hydrated

#vernonfrancois My love for work...
#vernonfrancois My love for working with textured hair started when I was just eight years’ old. Growing up in a Rastafarian household I remember Sundays were about “Mum cooking, and getting my hair braided for the week ahead.” I always complained about having my hair done, so my Mum suggested...

vernonfrancois Quick #tips on ho...
#vernonfrancois Quick #tips on how to keep #afro #hair #hydrated #moisturizer with @instyleuk @Cassieteer 💁🏽💁🏾💁🏿 We had so much fun doing this. More to come😁👏🏾