#vernonfrancois #VFQ&A Why applying shampooing ...
#vernonfrancois #VFQ&A Why applying shampooing to dry hair can help retain your natural moisture. #allhairtextures #weekend #hair washing routine #tips #hydrate #healthylifestyle #oil #shampoo #moisture #growth #vernonfrancois

#vernonfrancois #mcm #locs ~ing it up with a ne...
#vernonfrancois #mcm #locs ~ing it up with a new color & style @jonathansingletary #Insta stories #repost @elainewelteroth : using my Scalp nourishment and PURE~FRO refresher to keep #HealthyHair and promote...

#vernonfrancois The future is always brighter t...
#vernonfrancois The future is always brighter than you could ever imagine. Stay focused, by understanding our strengths, it shouldn’t limit us through labelling ourselves to a specific intelligence. Instead, it...

#vernonfrancois #VFQ&A Why apply...
#vernonfrancois #VFQ&A Why applying shampooing to dry hair can help retain your natural moisture. #allhairtextures #weekend #hair washing routine #tips #hydrate #healthylifestyle #oil #shampoo #moisture #growth #vernonfrancois

#vernonfrancois #mcm #locs ~ing ...
#vernonfrancois #mcm #locs ~ing it up with a new color & style @jonathansingletary #Insta stories #repost @elainewelteroth : using my Scalp nourishment and PURE~FRO refresher to keep #HealthyHair and promote #growth

#vernonfrancois The future is al...
#vernonfrancois The future is always brighter than you could ever imagine. Stay focused, by understanding our strengths, it shouldn’t limit us through labelling ourselves to a specific intelligence. Instead, it should empower us to recognise our weaknesses as well as to improve them. #healthymind #positive thinking. #Focus #growth #love #learning...