#vernonfrancois Check out @vernonfrancoishairca...
#vernonfrancois Check out @vernonfrancoishaircare and kelseyjanae #youtube page for the full #video #Repost @vernonfrancoishaircare ・・・ Part 3 "Wash and Go" The incredible @justkelseyjanae using my Re~Shampoo and Curl spray conditioner...

#vernonfrancois Check out Avielle video on usin...
#vernonfrancois Check out Avielle video on using my #PureFro link in my bio 👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿 Thank you for sharing the love 💁🏿 #Repost @avielleamor ・・・ I really do feel fancy whenever...

#vernonfrancois Check out @verno...
#vernonfrancois Check out @vernonfrancoishaircare and kelseyjanae #youtube page for the full #video #Repost @vernonfrancoishaircare
Part 3 "Wash and Go" The incredible @justkelseyjanae using my Re~Shampoo and Curl spray conditioner with the refresher Curl moisture spray. #curls #hair #washandgo #bighairdontcare #conditioner #shampoo #blogger #beauty #coily #longhair #love #Atlanta

#vernonfrancois Check out Aviell...
#vernonfrancois Check out Avielle video on using my #PureFro link in my bio 👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿 Thank you for sharing the love 💁🏿 #Repost @avielleamor ・・・ I really do feel fancy whenever I use my #VernonFrancois Pure Fro #Moisture Spray! 💁🏾 This evening I will be uploading a tutorial on how I...