#vernonfrancois 10yrs+ going strong. Sisters @j...

Pop in for a chat. The things we talk about. The audio is off btw #texturedhair #curls #colours

#vernonfrancois #Repost @lupitanyongo

Checkmate! Thrilled to share the new #QueenOfKatweposter! #ComingSeptember #CantWait #PhionaMutesi "The size of your dreams must always exceed your current capacity to achieve them" - President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf 20/08/2016...

#vernonfrancois #Repost @housetohold

Tickled pink. This man 💋  #new do #didsomeonesaymoist #shorthair #texturedhair #curls

#vernonfrancois Me age 3 with my #grandmother a...

#texturedhair #redhead

#vernonfrancois Stunning piece of #architecture

#la @pacificdesigncenter

#vernonfrancois This beauty. #notme @megagirl

#texturedhair #NYC

#vernonfrancois 10yrs+ going str...

Pop in for a chat. The things we talk about. The audio is off btw #texturedhair #curls #colours

#vernonfrancois #Repost @lupitan...

Checkmate! Thrilled to share the new #QueenOfKatweposter! #ComingSeptember #CantWait #PhionaMutesi "The size of your dreams must always exceed your current capacity to achieve them" - President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf 20/08/2016 #vernonfrancoisFocus. #texturedhair #bighairdontcare23/08/2016 #vernonfrancois #ashleydyke #HollarsPremiere #curls #texturedhairmakeup @makeupmatthew #hair @vernonfrancois

#vernonfrancois #Repost @houseto...

Tickled pink. This man 💋  #new do #didsomeonesaymoist #shorthair #texturedhair #curls

#vernonfrancois Me age 3 with my...

#texturedhair #redhead

#vernonfrancois Stunning piece o...

#la @pacificdesigncenter

#vernonfrancois This beauty. #no...

#texturedhair #NYC

#vernonfrancois Beauty queens. @...

#texturedhair #nyc